Hello, my name is Thomas Morrell. I am a seasoned visual and UX/UI designer utilizing strong creative and strategic skills to craft meaningful and unique experiences by balancing user needs with business goals. I’ve had the pleasure of working in a broad range of creative capacities such as digital product development, branding & art direction for interactive, print and the built environment. I believe great design needs to be as intelligent as it is beautiful.
No one goes to war without a plan. Well, at least no one should. I underpin all my work with clear strategic thinking to ensure that objectives are defined from the outset, and every element of our action is pointed firmly towards achieving those objectives. My process is taken from the four natural elements that create everything and the Human Centered Design Process. I call it simply Design Alchemy.
Define a user need. Draw your ideas on the wall until you have a minimal viable product. Set firm goals, get to know your audience and set a realistic budget.
Brainstorm ideas that are in line with your goals, targeted to your audience and within your budget. Establish a time line and how the success of this campaign will be determined.
Good design is a mix of function and beauty. It should engage, compel and make perfect sense. Strive for clarity, simplicity and action by creating an engaging experience.
Track and test everything, from analytics to sales, customer satisfaction to influence. Use the data to determine what can be improved upon. Keep it going.
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